Tag: "datenschutz"
Snowden hails Apple
appleinsider • Roger Fingas • Friday, June 05, 2015, 07:40 am PT
Edward Snowden hails Apple as 'pioneering' for iOS 8 security measures
Whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden lauded Apple for enabling measures like default full-disk encryption in iOS 8, in a rare editorial published on Friday [nytimes • The World Says No to Surveillance • 05.06.15; Anm.].
The Day we fight back
ZEIT ONLINE • Digital • Datenschutz • Snowden-Enthüllungen
Patrick Beuth • 14. März 2014 10:02 Uhr
Alles Wichtige zum NSA-Skandal
Welche Daten sammelt die NSA, was ist Prism und wie reagieren die Überwachten? Aktuelle Entwicklungen und ein Überblick über die Snowden-Enthüllungen seit Juni 2013
Undermining of the Trust and Confidence of Internet
Brazil's anti-NSA prez urged to SNATCH keys to the internet from America Nations should be on equal footing with Uncle Sam, say web overseers
The nine men and one woman who guide the growth and development of internet standards and practices have delivered a stinging rebuke to the US hegemony of the transnational "series of tubes" – and have called for its management to be wrenched away from America's grip and fully internationalized.
After a meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay, the internet heavyweights issued a statement that, in part, "expressed strong concern over the undermining of the trust and confidence of Internet users globally due to recent revelations of pervasive monitoring and surveillance."
Guess what country's "pervasive monitoring and surveillance" they're referring to? Yup, the good ol' US of A and its all-seeing National Security Agency.